FOUND DECEASED: Jeremy Brewer, 35 Yrs., Oologah Lake, OK, 11/8/12

11/17/12 — We are sad to report that the body of Jeremy Brewer was located by Dennis and Tammy Watters, our sonar experts. Please keep Jeremy’s family and friends in your prayers, especially during this holiday season.

For news coverage of this case, see below.

11/15/12 — Jeremy Brewer, age 35, was in a boat that capsized on November 8, 2012.   Two people who were with him were able to swim to shore, and were helped by rescue crews who were dispatched after a neighbor hear their screams for help.  Unfortunately, Jeremy never surfaced, and crews have been trying to locate his body since the accident happened.  Our sonar experts, Dennis and Tammy Watters, are en route to the lake to assist in the search with our top-of-the-line Marine Sonic sonar equipment.  Please keep Jeremy, his family and friends, along with the searchers who are desperately trying to locate Jeremy in your prayers.  Thank you so much.